Microbiological Testing


We provide a wide range of microbiological tests:

  • microbiological analysis of non-sterile medicinal products (oral preparations), food supplements, raw materials and pharmaceutical packaging materials (in accordance with Ph.Eur and FP methods)
  • microbiological analysis of cosmetics
  • production environment monitoring (microbial monitoring of air, surfaces, machines and personnel)
  • microbiological analysis of purified water (in accordance with Ph.Eur and FP methods)
  • validation of microbiological methods
  • testing for effectiveness of dry heat sterilization
  • routine control of microbiological growth media

Please feel welcome to contact us by phone +48 12 639 27 35, mobile: +48 538 890 325, or e-mail: agnieszka.jankowska@espefa.com.pl

    Price list

    Test type Price (exclusive of vat)
    Microbiological analysis of pharmaceutical products and raw materials 250 PLN
    Microbiological analysis of cosmetics 250 PLN
    Monitoring microbial contamination of air by aspiration sampling (Mas-100) (single point) 80 PLN
    Microbial monitoring of surfaces – flat and curved surfaces such as walls, floors, machinery and personnel            (single point) 80 PLN
    Microbial monitoring of surfaces – flat and curved surfaces such as drains and wastewater – swab method, flush method 150 PLN
    Microbiological analysis of packagings 120 PLN
    Testing for effectiveness of sterilization process
    Sporal (A, S)
    50 PLN
    Microbiological analysis of purified water 120 PLN

    Note: travel costs will be charged for samples collected outside of our facility.